Because of the shortage, the agency is urging that healthy people between 2 and 64 should forgo the shot this year.
Finally, it may be time to encourage some young people to forgo graduate education and enter the workforce.
But in Minnesota, the opposite problem has emerged: even people considered most vulnerable are forgoing the shots so there will be enough left for others.
If you introduce the ball too early, people will forgo learning form.
If people forgo medicine because of high prices, isn't that unsafe?
You know, it's a fact: people always forgo couples like us.
Increasingly, people with adequate income to pay the fees are forgoing treatment.
Some people, of course, forgo it all and ride bicycles outside.
Even the critics of widespread testing are not necessarily advocating that people forgo it.
He is not, however, prepared to recommend that healthy people forgo coffee before exercise.