"A few people who forgot to bring their bags griped about it," she said, "but most realized that if you're just getting a quart of milk, you don't need a bag."
Many people gripe that they are out of touch with the common reader and that their highfalutin academic tastes have no relation to what the masses might enjoy.
When ragtime was becoming the rage 100 years ago, he says, people griped about it the same way people later complained about rock 'n' roll and hip-hop replacing "good" music.
They tried to convince people that HTML5 was the way to develop for the iPhone, but people griped about the shortcomings (like the lack of local storage for offline use).
Bias showed through heavily based on the questions and responses to McIntyre, and I think that is what people are griping about.
MOSTLY, people gripe about bears getting into trash cans.
That is because most people might gripe about the political situation, or various aspects of the political situation, and wouldn't advocate the total overthrow of the system under which we live.
In Russia, the people are griping, and getting a kick out of it.
Although many people complain about rude behavior by their fellow travelers, a new study suggests there may be a disconnect between the habits people gripe about and their own behavior.
"Or people who didn't gripe as much," Aurora said.