Some people also label quadruple, while some consider it as two duples.
"Some people, if they can't judge you, they'll label you," he said.
He had an aura of self-assurance that some people might have labeled arrogance.
"I want to emphasize that people don't label me as a terrorist."
Many people labeled Nurse "the woman of self dignity", due to her dignified behavior on the gallows.
"She's always doing things that some people might label as unusual."
The people we label charismatic know how and when to go down to 1 and up to 10.
Only months ago, people labeled many of Woods's competitors easy prey, who folded whenever they saw his name appear on a leader board.
"Most people label welfare people as being lazy and not wanting to do anything," she said.
Follow this classic example of a man who would do anything for love, or whom people would often label as "under de saya."