"The concept is that people will list things they own, discuss them with friends and help others decide what to buy," he said.
On Nodeb.com, people list their open nodes, essentially inviting strangers to join a worldwide community of users.
Visually impaired people often list a request to, "identify yourself when you enter a room."
For an annual fee that is usually less than $100, people can list their homes in several published and online guides.
Each person's page tracks how many people list themselves as "friends."
In this case, people who gathered the signatures on the petitions listed the village where they lived, not the town, as required.
As a result, many people list their homes on more than one service.
Whether some people listed as buyers actually chose to buy units is unclear.
At the 2006 Australian census, 20,158 people listed themselves as having been born in Zimbabwe.
For high school graduations, several people again listed $50 as an average, but noted that the number of gifts could be greater.