The people in the square had massed thickly about the troop, slowing their progress, and growling ominously at the sight of Brent.
Throughout Monday, people had massed at voting stations, forming long lines to elect a new president, vice president, 30 senators, 120 deputies and 107 mayors.
They say the people are massing in the streets," went on Elizabeth.
In front of him, people were massing along the edge of the cliff.
More and more people were massing in the streets to fight off the invaders.
Several thousand people massed in the streets of Bamako, and opposition groups said that 148 had been killed and hundreds wounded in the three days.
She may genuinely have believed, or mistakenly assumed, that the people were massing with battle flags.
Menolly turned and saw all the faces, all the people massed on each side of the square.
In the meantime the people were massing together without evincing any of the sympathy that the king had hoped for.
Later at 6 o'clock in the afternoon people massed at Järntorget square, protesting police brutality.