If he is not prepared to fight, people mutter, then what were the all the sacrifices for?
Already, people in the crowd were muttering discontentedly and giving each other puzzled looks.
"These bloody people," the prince muttered about the news media on the ski slopes last week and, in a way, you can't really blame him.
The people hissed and muttered at him as he passed.
Ordinary people are muttering, but so far there have been no major protests.
Doctors must listen carefully, he said, to what people hesitate to say but may finally mutter on their way out the door.
Other people muttered that, the way Macready had it set up, what went on in his places wasn't really gambling.
Many people might have simply shaken their heads in disgust, cast an evil eye or muttered something about what our world is coming to.
I imagine people are muttering to themselves about the inadequacy of legislative powers.
Well, people, get ready for it," she muttered at the screen.