About him were the great, savage people of his tribe.
He himself had been to the Cimarron River, where a few old people of his tribe still held out.
It is that which nourishes, clothes, and shelters the people of his tribe.
The people of her tribe were all fair in coloring, though their skin was always tanned brown by the sun.
They spend a magical night camping out with the people of Stig's tribe, and helping to shift the final stone into position before sunrise.
The talk of charity in the bible is meant at people of your tribe and faith, not those outside it.
"With me are the people of my tribe."
Gradually the influence and authority of Musaylimah increased with the people of his tribe.
The people of Burl's tribe had no purposes, only needs-for food and the like.
With the result that the people of Gorgan's tribe grew weak, fat and increasingly careless.