To analyse trends in the number of authors per article over the past 10 years.
One company compensated writers at a rate of $3.50 per article.
Still, many companies are sending people to the journal's Web site, which gets about 2,000 hits per article each month.
The price list shows that the price of 1700 articles is 5 units per article.
Therefore the value of the identical/similar goods must be increased by 0.25 units per article.
An arbitrary amount of custom data fields per article.
The table below contains a details sorted by the number of edits per article.
Does anyone else think we should be limited to one poem per article?
The state sales tax on clothing, up to $100 per article, will be eliminated in December 1999, at a cost of $445 million a year.
One sticking point is asking authors to pay $1,500 per article to support the cost of publication.