Less capital outlay per bird than in the larger more automated units.
This represents a difference or rather gross profit of 65p per dozen or £14.98 per bird over the same period.
The new rules have allotted 750cm of square space per bird, which, believe it or not, is a huge improvement on their previous living conditions.
On the contrary, they are left with more food per bird than before.
Spring territories are about 25 hectares per bird.
In countries with relevant legislation, floor space for battery cages ranges upwards from 300 cm per bird.
There's one truck per bird - actually more than one.
Sheep, like the popular white chickens, cost 99 cents a pound, which ends up being about $15 per bird or $200 for the sheep.
Each year, 40 million turkeys are crammed into sheds that allocate one square foot of floor space per bird.
The ducks, anyway, are brought in to be force-fed (20 seconds per bird, twice a day) for only the last fortnight of their lives.