By way of comparison, Iraq's education budget last year amounted to roughly $10 per citizen.
And we can finance the debt for 2 cents a day per citizen.
It is a huge and rapidly growing rubbish mountain, the largest, per citizen, in the world.
The entire 10 years of the Moon program works out to slightly less than five cents per citizen per day.
Many African countries have national annual medical budgets of as little as $6 per citizen.
Officials of international organizations believe that it receives more foreign aid per citizen than any other country.
It would have worked, too, if only there had been enough coppers - say, three per citizen.
Most African countries have annual health budgets of less than $6 per citizen.
The Netherlands is the largest net contributor per citizen, and we want to see this change very soon.
Today, he said, the United States spends about $1.35 per citizen on public media.