(Cover of up to £125 per claim is paid for emergency treatment worldwide).
Collision coverage carries a deductible, which is the amount per claim you have to pay before the insurance takes effect.
The group found that companies paid $1,568, on average, per medical claim.
Mean and median payouts per large paid claim were roughly constant.
The gold production ran from $100.00 to $500.00 per running foot, and produced $20,000 to $100,000 per claim.
Given that roughly 20,000 claims were filed in 2003, a $3 million liability cap would translate into a payment of about $150 per claim.
Check whether the excess is per claim or per policy year.
Nationally, the average cost per claim is expected to reach $10,000 in 1990, compared with $6,000 in 1980, the council said.
But in the same period claims have dropped, meaning the average cost per claim has approximately doubled, largely due to rising health-care costs.
That's $18,500 more per claim than anticipated by the people who set up the fund.