Starting with the 2007-08 season only one team per club may participate.
The last time two new teams joined the league, in 1976, the price per club was $16 million.
Class A - of average $234,000 per club, the majors pay 72 percent, or all but $51,000.
The 1970-71 saw the league reduced to ten teams but the number of season games remaining at 36 per club.
The Cap for money spent on players' salaries was set at £1.8 million per club from the 2002 season.
In 1979 the race was changed to a 100m sprint with one player per club taking part.
Last year, the game average was just over two per club.
A salary cap of A$200,000 per club is in place.
Only 3 matches are played per club, since the match location is the same.
Number of games per club increased to 51, up from 42.