The public tariff for the Washington switch was $41.65 per connection and was $60 for the other switches.
The reason for doing so is to circumvent server side limitations of bandwidth per connection.
However, in Dhaka there are more than 40 inhabitants per connection, an unusually high ratio.
For example, average residential consumption was found to be closer to 800 liters per connection per day.
The basic service comprises two phone lines per connection.
The average subsidy level per connection is 35 percent.
You can keep the connections open for a very long time, and the incremental cost per connection is very low.
Depending on the stack, this could cause the remote system to allocate multiple pages of kernel memory per connection.
These levels are given per km of network, not per connection.
Motorola estimated that the cost per connection would typically be $715 to $1,000.