We charge £2.50 a week per container, which usually works out at about £10 a month.
For this, it receives 10 cents from the government per empty container collected.
There were 21 units of whole blood per container with ice.
In addition, Hawaii charges a nonrefundable 1 fee per container to fund the program.
The cost of installing and operating such systems could be paid through a surcharge estimated at $20 per container.
However, the human return is even more significant as recipient hospitals serve an average of 100,000 people per 40-foot container.
Under the agreement, the surcharge would drop from $175.50 per container to $85.50.
The cost per container is about the same whether by rail or entirely by sea.
Serving sizes per container are listed on the nutrition facts label.
Serving size and number of servings per container.