In total, 281,474,976,710,656 color combinations per driver are possible.
The 12 drivers' championship points are reset to a base of 2,000 per driver.
A total of 72 gallons of gas per driver a year is wasted.
The original time trial attempt limit (two per driver) has been abandoned.
Yet, measured as a group, per licensed driver, older people have few accidents compared with younger drivers.
Additional points were awarded on the basis of 10 per driver win.
The complaints seek fines of up to $30,000 per driver.
Eliminate another high-risk pool or impose a flat $5,000-a-vehicle cost per driver under 21.
You've got different shifts, so now you're talking about another hundred-something per driver.
An allocated eight engines, per driver, for the whole season was also introduced as part of more cost cutting methods.