Temporarily the people were going to be living in close quarters with each other-more or less 10 per dwelling instead of 5.
On average there are around 2.3 people per private dwelling in the area.
It has a population of around 100 based on the average headcount per inhabited dwelling.
There is a flat fee of $78.12 per dwelling per quarter for sewage.
There was an average of 2.5 persons per dwelling, and out of the 20,737 residences 1,532 or 7% were vacant.
There were 111 separate dwellings, with an average occupancy rate of 5.28 persons per dwelling.
All of its infrastructure was to be financed through impact fees, which started at $4,200 per dwelling.
That would average out to less than $5,000 per dwelling, a pittance compared with other housing plans.
The average number of motor vehicles was 1.6 per dwelling.
They represented an investment of almost half a million dollars, or about $15,000 per dwelling.