This compares with an average across France as a whole of over €18,000 per farm.
The average market value per farm was $838,636 (2007), up from $505,823 (2002).
The cash available to farmers and their spouses was put at £188m; nearer to £7,500 per farm, or about 17pc less.
Moreover, it is remarkable how much land consolidation, with 3.87 pitches per farm.
This would allow a reduction in the number of animals per farm.
The maximum size per individual farm was 10 Ha.
New Jersey has approximately 8,000 farms with an average of 104 acres per farm.
The number of tractors per farm was very low.
I was under the impression that it did not, yet you have set a 90-animal limit per farm nonetheless.
Very pretty it looked too, and such a difference from home, where there's one little scraggly tree per farm if you're lucky.