CO/MWhr corresponds to the emissions per electrical output of a combined cycle gas turbine plant.
In equilibrium capital/input per worker and output per worker grow at the same rate, the equilibrium rate of growth.
In other words labor productivity measures output produced per unit of labor, usually reported as output per hour worked or output per employed person.
There were other combinations that had fewer outputs with more product terms per output and were available with active high outputs.
This points to the need to increase output per unit input and output per head.
Each output included 1, 2, or 4 lanes per output, with data rate up to 2.7 Gbit/s per lane.
Alternatively, more or less conventional flip-flops can be used, one per output, with additional circuitry to make sure only one at a time can be true.
Contains analysis and data on output per worker, output per filled job and output per hour for the whole economy, ...
In that case, the entry of another firm (in this case, Airbus) into the market would decrease per firm output and reduce the learning and scale effects.
It uses Advanced Micro's patented programmable macrocell technology and offers up to 16 product terms per output.