In addition to the price tag of about $135 million per plane, the F-35 has a relatively short range.
That has brought the cost per plane to $378 million, as against $200 million for a B-1, in the same dollars.
The change is expected to cost about $10,000 per plane, most likely to be paid for by the airlines.
Ten million more per plane if we buy new engines.
By comparison, American carriers have about 150 employees per plane.
The cost is estimated at $600,000 to $700,00 per plane.
These numbers also included a change in the number of seats per plane.
Replacing the insulation would cost $380,000 to $880,000 per plane.
Reducing the total purchase, however, drives up the cost per plane.
On average, the aircraft flew some 94 hours per plane during the war.