The Federal revenue from this source was $4.8 billion, an average of $30,263 per return.
He has also returned eight kickoffs for an average of 23.4 yards per return.
He averaged 21.47 yards per return in 1952, which stands as the second highest ever.
He also returned 17 kickoffs for an average of 20.8 yards per return.
Morton's production has dropped recently; he was averaging 8.7 yards per return.
His 25.1 average per return on kickoffs for the 2000 season is also a record.
In that game Azumah broke the record for yards per return with 228.
His punt-return average that year of 19 yards per return was second in the nation.
Their kickoff returns were even better: 34.8 yards per return.
He leads the conference with a 12.3-yard average per return.