At $15 an hour per rider, he makes enough to give up his logging job during the busiest months of September and October.
NSB was losing money on the line, in part because of very low revenue per rider.
The prices are currently per rider and may only be once.
Guests can ride in the stagecoach for $3.00 per rider.
Round trip cost is $2.00 per rider, with a maximum of $10.00 per family.
In return, each team presents in the arrival with at least seven riders obtained a prime of 1 600 € per rider present.
The cost in 2010 was $850 per rider.
For the 2010 ride, this amount was raised to $3,000 per rider, though riders since 2011 have had to raise $3,500.
Nearly 12,000 police officers patrolled the race last year, about 60 per rider.
With the spare horses, three per rider, and our pack horse, we made a solid bunch.