The report contains a forecast of per-capita growth in India's gross domestic product, particularly in its cities.
According to the study, real growth in GDP would be 0.6 percentage points lower than if there were no HIV/AIDS, but per-capita growth in GDP would be 0.9 percentage points higher.
The Industrial Revolution began an era of per-capita economic growth in capitalist economies.
The Solow residual is defined as per-capita economic growth above the rate of per-capita capital stock growth, so its detection indicates that there must be some contribution to output other than advances in industrializing the economy.
He even boasted that the per-capita growth of exports is higher in France than, mon dieu, the United States or Japan.
A conference in 2006 at University of California, Berkeley was dedicated to the so-called Rosenfeld Effect, which recognized California's low per-capita growth in electricity since 1973.
William Easterly, a former economist at the World Bank, said that despite $1 trillion in loans since the 1960's, the per-capita growth rate of the typical developing country over the past 20 years was zero.