At $19.95 per subject, it's potentially cheaper than the per-minute charge for Intuit's similar service.
It can get quite pricey, with a combination of flat fees and per-minute charges.
Earlier services charged more and had additional per-minute charges.
Customers pay either a flat annual fee of $99, or a per-minute charge with a cap of $25 for each call.
The service is more expensive in countries like Azerbaijan and Cambodia, where per-minute charges are $5.99.
In addition to flat monthly charges, cellular bills include per-minute charges.
But there is no per-minute charge on either plan.
Until recently, phone companies sought to amass customers by offering the lowest per-minute charge.
Still, rates for many long-distance calls would go up under the plan, with some customers potentially facing per-minute charges as much as 56 percent higher.
If anything we should have pay-per-usage rates like the old per-minute charges on land line long distance - for those of you who still recall that.