Sales on a per-square-foot basis have declined for three years.
The price was more than twice the going rate for land in Manhattan on a per-square-foot basis.
Over that time period it has become extremely successful, the center claims to hold some of the highest performing stores on a per-square-foot basis for many national retailers.
The price is higher, on a per-square-foot basis, than most town houses have commanded in the neighborhood.
"On a per-square-foot basis, we did more business than any record store in the world," he declared.
Q. Many advertisements for apartments in New York include the price on a per-square-foot basis.
Mr. Hyman, like many deck contractors, charges on a per-square-foot basis, based on the material used.
The tie is universally considered the highest-profit menswear item in any store, on a per-square-foot basis.
"A construction lender looks at costs at a per-square-foot basis all over the country," Mr. Fraser said.
"It's the most expensive real estate in the world, if you figure it on a per-square-foot basis," he said.