Is the 77 percent approval rating for Bush good or bad?
It would be easy for me to go up to 50, 60 percent approval ratings, spending more of what we have.
A year ago, Bush had a 90 percent approval rating.
That might make everybody happy and leave the President riding 70 percent approval ratings.
That's why he left office with a 70 percent approval rating.
President Bush has slipped in one recent poll to a 29 percent approval rating.
We have a Congress and a president with, like, a 30 percent approval rating, so clearly we don't think they're doing a good job.
You've got a - I don't know, 80 percent approval rating.
The problem is, you have a president with a 38 percent approval rating, and it just changes the dynamics of what they can do.
The poll also finds that Clinton, now with a 67 percent approval rating, is currently more popular than before last week's vote.
Is the 77 percent approval rating for Bush good or bad?
It would be easy for me to go up to 50, 60 percent approval ratings, spending more of what we have.
A year ago, Bush had a 90 percent approval rating.
That might make everybody happy and leave the President riding 70 percent approval ratings.
That's why he left office with a 70 percent approval rating.
President Bush has slipped in one recent poll to a 29 percent approval rating.
We have a Congress and a president with, like, a 30 percent approval rating, so clearly we don't think they're doing a good job.
You've got a - I don't know, 80 percent approval rating.
The problem is, you have a president with a 38 percent approval rating, and it just changes the dynamics of what they can do.
The poll also finds that Clinton, now with a 67 percent approval rating, is currently more popular than before last week's vote.