Last year, 82 percent of American households bought at least one item there.
Last year, only 31.8 percent, the lowest since 2001, bought tickets more than a month before the performance.
Another 10 percent buys a quarter to half of its food in these stores.
The group asserts that 30 percent of all people who take the course buy a motorcycle within six months.
That would be a lot to give away, even when 75 percent of its visitors buy a bottle.
When the airline repeated the offer last year, almost 60 percent bought in.
If 10 percent of the homes buy the fight, $80 million would be generated.
Only 10 percent bought basketball shoes on the basis of information about quality and price.
Nevertheless, he pointed out, the 5 percent who do, buy a lot.
"And besides, less than 5 percent of Americans buy or sell stocks in a year."