When the law was passed, 23.4 percent of vehicles carried at least one child in the front seat.
Health Department figures show that less than 1 percent of women who give birth every year carry the virus.
It says 41 percent of these students carry a balance, averaging $584.
This could mean that 5 percent of the city's population is carrying around the infection.
The survey estimated that 0.025 percent of donors may carry it.
"Only 14 percent of the stations carry the shows live as we feed them," he said.
In both cases, an estimated 6 percent of animals carry the infection.
Of the 3,000-plus funds available, more than 60 percent carry a sales load, a fairly steady rate over the last five years.
Between 10 and 30 percent of ulcer patients never carry the bacteria.
Today, only 8 percent of private-sector workers carry union cards.