By survey, 92 percent of the children should have completed primary education until the final grade.
Also, 79 percent of students complete their degree with in a six year time frame.
It is estimated that about 45 percent of all students complete their primary education.
More than 60 percent of adult immigrants from Mexico have not completed high school.
Some 90 percent of the students complete the program.
But the state estimated that in 1991 alone 11 percent of all tuberculosis patients did not complete their treatment.
The report said 86 percent of men and women in their late 20's had completed high school.
The officials estimate the program has helped 75 percent of its clients stay in school and complete their education.
Under that condition, 30 percent of participants completed the experiment.
More than 95 percent of the parents - 677 so far - have successfully completed the course.