Roughly 70 percent of its spending went directly to promotion, including $37,000 for advertising.
More than 30 percent of the state's spending is allotted to aid schools and local governments.
Baxter said it could eventually supply almost everything except food and drugs, or about 70 percent of Duke's total spending.
But to put it in perspective: $51 billion is only 1.5 percent of America's spending on goods.
His proposal: compliance costs should be limited to 10 percent of a campaign's total spending.
Income from oil covers more than 90 percent of the Iraqi government's spending, officials say.
But then came the automobile, and now we devote more than 20 percent of our spending to transportation.
That is about 2.5 to 4 percent of Japan's total spending on construction, which amounts to about $800 billion a year.
The United States now accounts for 37 percent of the world's annual military spending.
In Texas, 60.4 percent of school districts' spending goes to classroom instruction, according to the center.