Last week, the Times Company sold about 92 percent of its stake in, the financial news and analysis site, for $3.2 million.
That represented around 4.5 percent of a typical worker's stake in stocks.
A spokesman for Mr. Winnick has emphasized that he held onto more than 70 percent of his stake in the company.
That was 80 percent of his accessible stake and generated $211.4 million.
The government is selling 80 percent of its stake in the bank to the Shinhan Financial Group for $2.8 billion.
He announced plans to sell 225,000 more shares this year, or 13 percent of his stake, including stock options.
In the plan, the government considered selling 20 to 30 percent of the airline's stake to outsiders, with the government holding the balance.
These companies represent 60 percent of the state's initial stake in the economy.
The family sold 95 percent of its stake, and in the 80's sold the rest.
She owns 28.7 million shares, worth $835 million, after selling 300,000 shares - 1 percent of her stake - in the last year.