He added that "most banks will not loan individuals more than 10 percent of their net worth on an unsecured basis."
Players can sell back objects here for mito, always ten percent of their actual worth.
For verdicts against small businesses, the limits are $50,000, or 10 percent of the business's net worth, whichever is greater.
Still, the troubled loans and investments represent about 35 percent of Traveler's net worth.
The new team was named the Cyclones, and before the season even began, 80 percent of the entire summer's worth of tickets were sold.
"No matter how good a company is, to have 95 percent of your net worth in one stock is not a good thing," he said.
The top 1 percent had 37 percent of the country's total net worth, up from 31 percent in 1983.
"But 90 percent of my net worth is still in Tiffany's shares and is intended to be there for a long time," he added.
When interest rates became more volatile, risers lost as much as 70 percent of their worth.
In other words, about 60 percent of the company's worth is borrowed.