But right now this happens to only 1.5 percent of taxpayers.
In 1980, just before the long bull market began, capital gains were reported by 11.4 percent of taxpayers.
A third would go to the top 1 percent of taxpayers, those with income above $346,555.
They noted that 51 percent of taxpayers have incomes below $30,000.
Only 14.5 percent of taxpayers checked "yes" on their 1994 returns.
By contrast, they say, the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers pay little or nothing.
According to some estimates, about three percent of taxpayers do not file tax returns at all.
For the 1987 tax year, the first time the system was used, only 35 percent of taxpayers chose to do so.
No, 88 percent of taxpayers would gain less than $1,600 from the Bush bill.
The 64 percent of taxpayers who have no dependent children would get nothing.