Those same people say Policy would be given 6 to 8 percent ownership and would run the daily operations.
Maybe, in the future, we can even have 100 percent foreign ownership of companies in our country.
All foreign publications in China are required to have a local partner, which by law must retain at least 51 percent ownership.
Foreign banks had been previously limited to a maximum 40 percent ownership.
Foreigners, therefore, would represent only about a 28 percent ownership.
Hams is offering between $70,000 and $100,000, with 10 percent ownership.
Media General will have an option on 40 percent ownership for its $25 million.
The deal would give employees 75 percent ownership of the airline and a major role in long-term decisions.
The old rule permitted 100 percent ownership of financial concerns.
A year ago it became a limited partnership in which the British are a general partner with 40 percent ownership.