And most of those students continue in music, with 70 percent participation through the middle school years.
We got 65 percent participation in the primary, and now we're going for the high 90's.
She said that Sherman, a town of 3,200, has about 40 percent participation in elections.
They point to the 80 percent participation of people in the last presidential election as proof.
It's not going to - I don't expect or hope for, even, anywhere near a hundred percent participation.
The program now has nearly 90 percent participation, and many residents save about $40 a year in fees, city officials say.
Gallup now predicts only a 35 percent participation rate, the same as in 1998.
It was finally held, with 85 percent participation, in 1987.
He and his staff ran a sharp practice, with 100 percent participation from the players.
The State would need 50 percent participation to show equal access through use of this guideline.