Almost 90 percent of the time, they said, the test predicted those who lost 10 percent of their weight.
Sales rose 9.8 percent, less than the 15 percent to 20 percent increase predicted.
The 29 percent of members expecting lower prices predict a 4.5 percent decline.
"Some 68 percent of our travel managers predicted there would be more trips at their companies this year than in 2006."
But 41 percent of respondents predicted another coup attempt if the situation soured.
The report said that 66 percent of those surveyed predicted that business conditions would improve in 1992.
If the tension persists, 63 percent of the companies predicted it would jeopardize their business relationships.
Eighty-two percent of employed adults also predicted their job situation would improve in 10 years.
A third said they expected to raise taxes this year and 55 percent predicted they would have to increase fees.
And 60 percent predict that their community will be as good or better in 10 or 15 years.