The proposal failed by a wide margin with 70 percent voting no at the polls.
The proposition strongly passed every single county in Missouri with 78.99 percent voting in favor.
However, the initiative was overwhelmingly defeated, with 59 percent voting no.
Rick Lazio actually has a 96 percent voting attendance score.
The vote outcome, posted on, showed that union members had almost unanimously authorized a strike, with 98 percent voting in favor.
The turnout last week was less than 6,000, with 64 percent voting for the budget.
Results showed 53.1 percent voting against the euro and 46.9 percent in favor.
Another referendum was held this year with 49 percent voting in favour of prohibition.
The initiative failed, with 33.54 percent voting for and 66.46 percent against.
He called the margin of approval, with 57 percent voting in favor, a mandate for change.