The gamblers observed it, and showed their gratification by hardly perceptible signs.
For a time the girl refused to notice; but her human curiosity presently began to manifest itself by hardly perceptible signs.
He looked across, saw us, and gave a barely perceptible sign to me.
A flux of barely perceptible signs assails the walker, who is not alone.
At a barely perceptible sign from Bruno, his brother drew apart, leaving their "white elephant" by himself, yet none the less under a vigilant guard.
Sam Kelly bowed his head in a barely perceptible sign of farewell.
Except for the church-going there were few perceptible signs of Sunday in Denver, which was full of rowdies from the mountain mining camps.
Now, when Jan questioned him with a look, he gave his faithful henchman a scarce perceptible sign, which the latter was quick enough to interpret correctly.
The sacraments of the Catholic Church are efficacious signs, perceptible to the senses, of grace.
Before us lay the orbits of the outer planets, icy, uninhabitable gaseous giants devoid of any perceptible sign of life.