He lets them speak in their own voices, often adding his own perceptive comments.
The backgrounds are, of course, authentic, and there are some perceptive comments on the local art scene.
Now the girl added her own perceptive comment.
Some of the most perceptive - and unique - comments I've seen on the debate, particularly 1.
Your apparently perceptive comment was so obvious it did not need to be stated.
His droll, perceptive comments set up the experience of hearing this complex, compact and restless work.
In the Structure Plan, again, can be found the following perceptive comments:
That seemed a reasonable guess, and it was a perceptive comment from a slave.
On the other hand they didn't ignore education, and there were the usual perceptive comments on the science curriculum in Britain's schools.
I said, "Thank you for that perceptive comment," and left.