Individual perceptual differences towards the fear appeal are factors that govern the efficacy of the fear appeal.
He forces us to compare the perceptual differences of seeing and reading and the distinctly different pleasures of looking and hearing.
A number of popular compression formats exploit these perceptual differences, including those used in music files, images, and video.
Different display technologies have vastly different temporal characteristics, leading to claimed perceptual differences for motion, flicker, etc.
Thus, the ABX test answers whether or not, under ideal circumstances, a perceptual difference can be found.
ABX test equipment utilizing relays to switch between two different hardware paths can help determine if there are perceptual differences in cables and components.
There are at least six types with significant perceptual differences:
It was thought that the long-term isolation in an environment that they could totally control might produce that kind of perceptual difference.
(It might be interesting to study perceptual differences between artists and scientists.)
Language allows us to distinguish between distances in more complex ways than the simple perceptual difference between near and far objects.