Aitken was perched comfortably aloft and Ramage had to walk out from under the awning to watch him.
The kid was perched comfortably in a tree, his legs stretched out along a low branch, his back snuggled against the trunk.
He was outside, looking in, perched comfortably in a perfect hiding place beneath.
The dragons were perched comfortably on the rocky ridges above the Hold.
And the man was still there, perched comfortably behind a wooden counter.
By then The Shadow was comfortably perched upon the solid top of the car.
With an economical motion he hoisted himself upwards, swung his feet into the room and sat comfortably perched on the ledge.
She was perched comfortably on a piece of luggage standing on end.
Comfortably perched, as always, Jarlaxle had the chair leaning way back, his slender hands clasped behind his clean-shaven head (so unusual for a drow!)
She put her head under her wing again, and went to sleep, perched comfortably on the edge of the mantelpiece.