The Harris inequality in statistical physics and percolation theory is named after him.
Therefore, for dispersions usually percolation theory is assumed to appropriately describe their properties.
However, percolation theory can only be applied if the system it should describe is in or close to thermodynamic equilibrium.
Often it is easiest to understand percolation theory by explaining its use in epidemiology.
Below is a table of other areas of study that apply percolation theory as well as recent research information.
Using percolation theory, one can explain many properties of this system.
Thus, the retention of a multilevel system can be related to a well-known quantity in percolation theory.
This large enhancement is explained by the percolation theory.
A framework to study the cascading failures between coupled networks based on percolation theory was developed recently.
The structural robustness of networks is studied using percolation theory.