On the other hand, their peremptory demand for a full life explains the hatred incurred by certain gnostic sects or by the Brethren of the Free Spirit.
The log showed routine operational signals; the mes- sage from Nick which Milos had retrieved earlier; and a peremptory demand from the Bill.
Then deep into the countryside: midnight in a blacksmith's cottage, we hear the strangers' urgent knock, the peremptory demands to shoe four horses.
When he made his customary peremptory demands the harbormaster expressed a considerable degree of surprise.
It seemed as if she pondered over the Chosen One's last peremptory demand.
Rupert replied, not in person but through Goring, with a peremptory demand for Newcastle to march his forces to Rupert's assistance on the following morning.
I wasn't the only one and I saw Olret stifle a smile behind a polite hand as this peremptory demand was repeated.
The archbishop's message had been a none too thinly veiled peremptory demand for an immediate-and completely private-meeting.
A peremptory demand which the Senate wisely ignored.
On the other hand, the West makes remarkably few peremptory demands of the Palestinian authorities.