From this standpoint, the most popular ballot issue campaigns for consultants are the perennial battles in which medical associations propose curbs on civil lawsuits and trial lawyers fight them.
It is a political vision that looks beyond the occupation of Kuwait to the region's perennial battle against alien intruders.
He is known for delivering money to members' districts, especially in the perennial battle for school aid.
Inspired by Hugo's portrayal of the perennial battle between good and evil, he has called his film "Les Miserables."
Senate Drops Mileage Requirement In the perennial battle between environmentalists and the automobile industry, the Senate backed the industry.
Anyway, you'd just love to have some expectations other than the perennial battle with Italy for the Wooden Spoon.
"It is part of the perennial battle between the Source and the Chaos Spirit."
In the perennial battle for a greater share of state education aid, the legal case would pit one government against another.
Budget negotiators likened the hospital debate to the perennial battle over state aid to schools, where legislators fiercely work to protect their local districts.
Continuing the culture war that dominated the debate on gun control and youth violence last week, the House of Representatives this week fought its perennial battle over flag-burning.