Views from the middle ground of this perennial debate point out that the Fringe is not complete artistic anarchy.
The perennial debate over the team's true home probably won't die down any time soon.
What remains for Piazza over the next meaningless month is the perennial debate about where he should play.
Despite this record, however, funding the school remains an issue of perennial debate in the Legislature.
Plus, of course, there's the perennial debate about the use of such prizes in the first place.
That recognition has renewed the perennial debate over how much economic growth is possible without bringing on damaging inflation.
A perennial debate concerns the role of automobile traffic in the park.
The ruling stirred the perennial debate about how long young men live at home here and won ample space in Friday's newspapers.
I do not have to undergo that perennial debate they underwent.
Since the 1960's, Mao's portrait has hung from the gate, although there are perennial debates about whether it should be taken down.