The National Endowment for the Arts has been a perennial political target for conservatives because of some of the controversial projects it has supported.
Community development block grants, a perennial target for cuts in the Reagan years, would be maintained at current levels.
The agency has been a perennial target for conservatives, largely because of some of the controversial projects it has supported.
The gunman's motive was unclear, and while Israel has been a perennial target of terrorists, no law enforcement official was calling the shooting an act of terrorism.
A perennial target of budget cutters, it became for critics the emblematic Federal program that would not die.
The counterfeit industry is a perennial target of law enforcement and Fortune 500 corporations alike.
The most popular predecessor to qmail, Sendmail, was not designed with security as a goal, and as a result has been a perennial target for attackers.
Bodily effluvia, or bodily excretions, are perennial targets for dysphemy.
Nike, a perennial target that has tried to respond to its critics with a series of reforms, was mentioned often for its Michael Jordan line of sneakers.
The Administration's most famous and popular battles were fought against the Arkansas Power and Light Company, a perennial target of reform governors.