Either of these revised sets of dimensions will give perfect blending between the two arcs at each corner of the central rectangle.
Tangerine crème brûlée was the perfect blending of silkiness and flavor, the crust just the right thickness for a burnt-sugar topping.
So with Mega Man, we had this perfect blending of game character with animation ideas.
This means, literally, 'enlightenment', the perfect blending of mind and body.
His was a perfect blending of fairy magic and human organization - their powers were wedded to his own terrifying purposefulness.
Here art and war seemed to be in perfect blending.
If knowledge was beauty, and information was art, didn't that make written language the most perfect blending of the two?
The slice arrived at an ideal temperature: just warm enough to melt some of the chocolate into the pecans for a perfect blending of texture and flavor.
Perhaps the perfect blending of these two Leiberesque strains came in his classic short story, "Coming Attraction," a nightmarish vision of futurity.
It is but the perfect blending of philosophy and physics, the one used as a foil against the other.