The absurd enthusiasm of the pitch strikes Mike and his sister as the perfect fodder for wisecracks.
If that seems perfect fodder for a movie, Lewis's view of film was nonetheless ambivalent.
A lonely woman living in a lonely place, separated from her husband, perfect fodder for the games the nonpeople loved to play.
Which is why it served as perfect fodder for his performance-art piece Saturday night, titled "Watch Me Work."
Exactly what occurred during their visit is in dispute, and is therefore perfect fodder for the legend mill.
As a sample of the species, he was spectacular and the perfect fodder for erotic dreams.
"Having a crime commission call him a sinister influence is perfect fodder for an opposition campaign."
Dissing is perfect fodder for the age of the sound bite.
Yet the evidence was against Lizzie and made perfect fodder for the kind of psychological dance drama that held sway in American ballet in the 1940's.
On the plains of Hustai there are more than 450 plant species, many perfect fodder for takhi.