Siwan's role is a high school student, who not only has perfect grades, but also handsome looks and talent.
The graduate has to receive a perfect grade on all final examinations.
Artwhiler looked like he had just scored perfect grades on an exam.
Only in mechanical drawing was his grade less than perfect.
This long-awaited new version is called 4.0, but despite the name it doesn't quite get a perfect grade.
Getting perfect grades and attending an elite college was one of the few ways up I could see.
Yagudin received four perfect grades of 6.0, an Olympic record for an individual.
"We're not giving them perfect grades by any means," he said, "but it's up to a reasonable level."
"I never got a perfect grade after a game, let's just put it that way."
Nevertheless, during high school, he always received a perfect grade in conduct.