Add a water source, and it would be a perfect hideaway in the landscape of the mind.
"Another reason why this is a perfect hideaway."
"This mansion is a perfect hideaway," said the Money Master.
After all, this is a city for lovers and Pershing Hall the perfect hideaway.
This was a perfect hideaway, cool and secret and beautiful.
Dismé saw it all from the stair landing where a pair of heavy curtains made a perfect hideaway.
But while the ranch is my idea of the perfect hideaway, it is not for everyone.
With tiny windows and thick walls, it made a perfect secret hideaway for counting stolen "pieces of eight. "
The area remains particularly remote even in the 21st century, and in the 1740s was the perfect hideaway for raparees.
No electricity or immediate running water, but it looked like somebody's idea of a perfect tropical hideaway.