Wooten stunned the audience, particularly Cash himself, with perfect renditions of every song.
In the better half, over near the glowing hearth, each girl was a miniature, perfect rendition of a Lamai mother.
"Hello, this is Jenny and Michelle's place," she said cheerfully in a perfect rendition of the efficient secretary.
One brother has a natural affinity for glad-handing and compromise; the other is convinced that pure and perfect renditions of his native foods are the only salvation in life.
Even at its best it is a more perfect rendition of what took place last Sunday and last year.
It is a perfect rendition of the real Winn's favorite expression.
While not exactly a perfect rendition of the Valkyrie it was still (for a toy) very accurate and could transform to all 3 modes.
Jo's hot wings, which are a perfect rendition of the traditional American item, are big, juicy and have a serious kick, too.
I can still do a perfect rendition of "Hello Hawaii," from "Garfield in Paradise."